Mike Miles has been an integral part of the Birmingham City, Jefferson County and Alabama landscape his entire adult life from starting out as fundraiser for his father in developing Greater Birmingham Ministries, working in the city government as Director of Inter-Governmental Relations for former Mayor Richard Arrington, to working as the Chief Deputy Secretary of State of Alabama to serving as the Jefferson County Treasurer. In every role, he has given complete commitment to its success.
When Mike took office, Jefferson County’s bankruptcy was a national story, our bond rating was poor and we were four audits behind. Since then, Mike and the team brought Jefferson County out of bankruptcy and actively worked to get our bond rating upgraded from junk bond status to investment grade. All audits on all levels have been current and have remained clean, accurate and transparent to the public.
​Mike serves the people of Jefferson County with hard work, dedication and proven results. In addition, he made a commitment to help reopen the closed Cooper Green Hospital by paying down the existing debt. This enabled a healthcare foundation to be established in partnership with UAB so that a state of the art indigent healthcare facility could be available to the people of Jefferson County. Mike is also committed to working and investing with banks who invest in the community. He has and continues to meet with investors to stabilize and keep minority banks strong, owned by minorities and retaining the original function of investing in minority business. Serving with the purpose of investing in communities for today and for the future while building a strong, transparent county government is drawing on a lifetime of experience.
Mike Miles is Chairman of the Board of the non-profit, Alabama Center for Law and Civic Education, that sponsors a high school civics intensive study and competition, of which he is a state and national judge, across the state and with other states. He was appointed Chair for the Jefferson County Schools Task Force that restored 227 jobs from RIF (Reduction in Force) and continues in that role. He serves as Financial Director and Chair for numerous organizations, non-profits and his church denomination. He is actively engaged in the Democratic Party on all levels, is an elected member on the Jefferson County Executive Committee and is the President of the Birmingham Downtown Democratic Club. Mike recently and very proudly received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Alabama Young Democrats at their state convention. He is an active sponsor for the Young Democrats and for other Democratic groups.

As Jefferson County Treasurer, Mike Miles is dedicated to safeguarding the hard earned tax dollars of our citizens. The mission of the Treasurer is to put these dollars to work through prudent and safe investments.
It’s important to Mike to provide the citizens of Jefferson County with transparency about the funds in the County’s treasury. As reports become available, Mike facilitates public release of the information.
The Treasurer will receipt more than $750 million of general fund receipts this fiscal year, will manage an investment portfolio of approximately $180 million and $50 million more in fiduciary and trust funds. The County also has $1.2 billion in pension funds.
Cash flow is managed on a daily basis and investments are made to ensure funds are available to meet the needs of the County. The Treasurer only invests in United States Treasuries or United States Government backed securities which are guaranteed as to principal and redeemable upon application as is provided in the Code of Alabama. Mike also invests in local and community banks within the County’s Investment Policy.
Safety, liquidity and earning a market rate of return on the County’s money are primary responsibilities of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer is also responsible for the payment of the County’s vendors and the payroll of the County’s employees. Since Mike has taken office, both payroll and payment of vendors have become digital. The treasurer’s office has been brought into the 21st century.